Nicky Denovan

Nicky Denovan is a UK writer. Her work has been performed in playwriting, theatre and comedy festivals in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the US, including the finals of the Snowdance® 10-Minute Comedy Festival and the Gala Finals of Short+Sweet Theatre Sydney and Short+Sweet Theatre Hollywood.

Nicky topped the British Animation Film Festival’s Lottie Reiniger List 2022 for scripts of outstanding achievement, winning Best Screenplay. She was the overall winner of Short+Sweet Theatre Essex 2022 and the Pint-Sized Plays international Script Slam 2017.

Further playwriting accolades include being shortlisted for the British Theatre Challenge 2018 and longlisted for the Kenneth Branagh Award for New Drama Writing 2020. For screenwriting, she was named Quarterfinalist in both the 2020 ScreenCraft Animation Screenplay Competition and ScreenCraft Stage Play Contest, chosen as a Semi-Finalist for the 27th Annual Fade In Awards Sci-Fi, selected as Finalist in the Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards 2021, and awarded Best Script in the Animotion Film Festival 2023.

Nicky’s work has featured on Coverfly’s industry RED LIST, and in the books Pint-Sized Plays Volume 5, Best Ten Minute Plays of 2019 (published in the US by Smith & Kraus), and Stage It! Volume 6.